A wonderful news trickles in as I sit down to write this note to you. Keshav Krishnamurthy, a bright and diligent student of IWS Indore, has topped the NTSE ranking list for the entire state of Madhya Pradesh and has stood 34th in the all India rankings!
Just a couple of weeks ago, when I was in Indore for a wo day aptitude boot camp and clocked back to back long session on a weekend, I remember asking Shivku about 'the boy who sat on the second row, second chair to the left of aisle'! Shivku told me 'Keshav' and also that we will soon hear a lot about this boy and a few more. My question was innocuous but Shivku's words were prophetic! We have heard about Keshav, Anshuman and AbhisheK already. They are on the NTSE national list of bright scholars.
To me, this is the essence of IWS just as it was the reason for the success of Career Launcher too. We guys clock time inside the class, teach our children we focus on the value that we add to each child. This gives us hard and real data first hand to make corrections quickly and decisively.
We are conscious that this approach takes a little longer time to bear fruits and is a hard / long route to success. However, we are also very sure that this is the only way to build the DNA of your school or institution in a manner that it is sustainable and at the cutting edge of education.
Our CDC (career development centre) that offers integrated approach to school and careers is a cutting edge initiative through active collaboration of the goodness of IWS and the competence of Career Launcher.
As you go through the brochure, you will see how 'Jigyasa' transforms into 'Sadhana' as the child travels from grade 7 to grade 10. The focus is on excellence in the area of career choice that we arrive at in consultation with you - the parent, the child and the mentor with very valuable inputs coming from our dependable Futuremap program.
I am personally very delighted to be able to oversee the Career Launcher competence come and deliver value to our own children after almost two decades of work for youngsters in hundreds of cities and towns. Over a million students trust CL this year alone for their career guidance and preparation. This home coming is an immensely gratifying thing for me.
All the best to you and your child as s/he makes progress through the corridors of IWS into a career of his or her choice. I assure you and I will be around to cheer our children to their dream career destination.
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