Monday, January 23, 2012


No task is as important as creating safe learning environment for our nation’s children. Being prepared will improve the ability to respond to disaster. School plays a very important role in dissemination of information among the masses.
‘You can’t make an omelette without breaking an egg’.

The intervening period between a building catching fire and the arrival of the fire brigade is very crucial and following the fire safety measures can control lasting damage. To spread this message and prove  that, ‘You can’t make an omelette without breaking an egg’ and ‘Action speaks louder than words, a full scale offsite planned mock fire drill was conducted at Indus World School. The exercise meant to tell all concerned to remain vigilant at all times. The purpose was to make sure that students are well prepared in case of an emergency.

Managing a large group of students during a fire is a challenge that was addressed in advance through preparation and planning. Students were educated on measures to be taken in case of fire or when rooms are filled with smoke. A map and exit routes for each classroom and non-instructional areas like office, staffroom, kitchen was created.

As the whistle blew, all the mentors lined up their students in a single line and lead them out to the ground through the exit points already assigned to them. The students were instructed to remain calm and not touch anything while going out of the building. They were asked to crawl or crouch down in single file to avoid confusion. The purpose was to make sure that students are well prepared in case of an emergency such as an evacuation, positioning at a safe place.

The sports mentor told the students about the measures to be taken in case of fire. He illustrated the precautions to be taken in case of fire in the building. He gave a demonstration on how to rescue the fire victims from a spot of fire by giving a mock demo and how to take an injured or unconscious person out of the building. The students were also given a display of how to enter a room in which all the approaches are closed and there is a dense smoke. The fireman gave a demonstration of the fire equipment present for fire fighting.

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