25th August’2012
shall be written in letters of gold in the history of the IWS, Aurangabad, with
the launch of DFC hosted at its threshold.
Indus World School, Aurangabad launched Design For Change School
Challenge-2012 in the city at a packed
programme at Aurangabad Gymkhana on 25th June 2012. Mr Rahul Bose, noted
actor and social activist, and Mr. Madhav Chavan (Founder/ CEO Pratham
Initiative were present for this event. Principals and students from over 30
schools in Aurangabad were also present for this event. Prior to the launch,
Indusian from Grade V to Grade VIII drive a rally on “ Regulating Traffic” in
the City. Indusian covered 3.5 km rally starting from API corner, CIDCO signal,
N1 chowk and Cannought garden. A Documentary film on the rally was run during
the Launch Ceremony.
25th morning High Energy level, Positivity, Happiness and the echoes
of I CAN reverberated across the walls of the school. Each and every Indusian’s
spirit touched the skies with the interaction with the youth icon of Bollywood,
Rahul Bose. His charismatic approach immediately got him in deep connect with
the Indusians. While the young ones were excited with the release of gas
balloons by the star, the older ones were thrilled with a game of football with
him. Traditionally welcomed by the Mentors of Indus World School, Rahul spent
considerable time interacting with the students, stressing the importance of
academic orientation and its relevance. Rahul admired and appreciated the
Agriculture Centre, the Art Gallery and the Centre for Peace at the Indus World
School Campus.
The visit of Rahul Bose, Brand Ambassador for
Design for Change, to the School has left an everlasting impression on the
young impressionable minds of the Indusians at Aurangabad. Later, in the DFC launch
event stories of change were shared. The audience was glued to their seats to
see the change the children can bring in the society for betterment. The event
was followed by the press conference where the renowned reporters of the city
covered the event.
Three Cheers! Great Initiative!! All the best!