Monday, March 26, 2012

 Where do u find stories? Are they only in the books or in the magazines? They are everywhere. There is a story behind everything for e.g. story of toothbrush i.e. where has it come from? How it took the shape etc. all such questions have a story behind them.

 Stories are always close to children as well as to the adults, Isn’t it?  To make them more interesting and meaningful to children, we, the mentors of IWS Indore attended a workshop at IWS Indore Chhawani. This was conducted by Mrs. Seema Wahi Mukhrjee. This workshop was a great learning experience as it threw light to various dimensions which a story can have. The various elements of story were also discussed. The sessions kept us engaged i.e. we kept moving for doing some or the other activities. Few ice- breakers were done which actually charged up all of us like, hands up, hands down, each cell in my body is happy etc. The task given to mentors was very exciting i.e. we all got picture cards and using them we had to perform a story. Within a time limit of 25 minutes all of us put in our 100% to prepare for the presentation, in spite of the fact that our day was very long. Anyways now was the time to perform.  Yipee!!!!!!! All the performances were really hilarious.

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